Cruising Tips

Monday, April 5, 2021

Titusville - Leaning tree and Hoolie with stairs


Guess which direction the winds come from?

We had visitors on Fleetwing for wine at 5:00, Jeffrey and Cathy Guttenberger. All of us had the vaccines so we chatted in the cockpit for over an hour. They are headed north and will pass by our home port at the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club sometime in June - time for another visit! With vaccinated boaters become more prevalent, it's nice to once again have cockpit wine with new friends.

We have a once-a-day work item for the next week to get Fleetwing ready for the trip north. Today it was a boat wash-down and the scheduling of a bottom cleaning. The weather seems to be settling down so we're looking forward to getting started.

Hoolie has not been coming down the companionway willingly at night. We're not sure what the problem is, maybe getting arthritic? We've been saving an ice cream dish which he loves to clean out as an enticement to come down the stairs. So far that has worked but he never used to have this problem. Sure, he's 12 years old - but he shows no other signs of problems. We'll wait and see what develops.

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