Cruising Tips

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Titusville - Easter Dinner on Fleetwing


Easter Sunday dinner on Fleetwing

We had our Easter dinner on Fleetwing this year. We normally have ham for Easter but with only the two of us, we got a half ham cut into two pieces - one of which we had today. Ann made deviled eggs, one of my favorites for Easter, along with candied yams and green beans. Hoolie mostly sat very near the table hoping for something to spill (nothing did, oh rats!)

A very small ham, but good

One of the problems with serving ham is you always have leftovers, a lot of leftovers. We finished barely 1/2 of one of the two quarters we bought. We have lots left over. There will be ham and eggs for breakfast, ham sandwiches, ham salad, etc. We'll find a use for the ham no doubt. 

What Easter Sunday dinner would be 
complete without deviled eggs??

Next week is the final stretch before we leave for points north. The major to do is getting the bottom scrubbed and the prop cleaned. After that, we could leave any time. 

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