Cruising Tips

Saturday, April 17, 2021

St Augustine - A walk in the park


Scenes like these play out all over St Augustine, all the time.

The forecast is for three days of rain starting Sunday. With that, we reserved three more days in St Augustine with a plan to leave Wednesday morning. We have OnSpotWiFi service so we're connected. We walked towards downtown today and saw a ceremony in the old style that is typical of St Augustine. They have a very active community that will dress in the style of the early days and walk around town. In this case, they held a ceremony and it was interesting to watch. 

The St Augustine Art Association was closed today but the flowers were in full display.

We then walked around one of the side streets and once again ran into a group all decked out in the clothes of the original settlers. The town seems very interested in preserving traditions, especially in dress. We were going to walk towards the center of town but the walkway was much too crowded for our tastes. Most people were not wearing masks so we decided to come back during the week when it was less crowded, hopefully. 

We will be hear until the rains clear out, predicted for Wednesday morning now. 

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