Cruising Tips

Friday, April 16, 2021

St Augustine - at a dock


We arrive in St Augustine! Looks pretty full. 

Heading north to St Augustine, the only area of concern was Ft Matanzas but by favoring the shore a little more than last year, we found 10 MLLW. I will be editing the Bob423 Savannah to Titusville long track to follow the little deeper water closer to shore through there. Everything else was pretty routine. 

Remember the large restaurant just south of the docks, it is no more.

We had a forecast of rain coming in the afternoon and with a foul tide, we weren't sure we could make St Augustine before the rains fell. However, we just made it in time. The forecast is for more of the same for the next five days! With that, we decided to stay put until Wednesday and use the time to explore St Augustine which we missed on the way down due to the pandemic. 

I just had waterproofed the bimini, just in time - look at the beading!

Ann wants to shop at the embroidery store which has some fabulous runners for tables. It's a nice place to just walk around - provided there are gaps in the predicted rain for the next five days! 

1 comment:

  1. We are just ahead of you Bob. We stayed at Rivers Edge in St. Augustine for 2 nights. Underway at 0630 this morning for Fernandina. We thought we would get a lot of rain but had very little. Short run to Jekyll tomorrow. Might be a bit of rain but little wind crossing the sound.

    Mike S on FreeBird
