Cruising Tips

Friday, February 5, 2021

Titusville - A trail road and sunset


Florida excels in providing access to wildlife refuges. Viewing areas such as this 
one are very common throughout Florida. 

Florida has done a really good job of providing access to their wildlife areas. We knew all about Black Point Drive in the heart of the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge but besides that attraction, there are scores of other drives you can take to explore the refuge. We took one today that wound around ponds and wetlands that we just found very relaxing - serene, actually. The back road looked better kept than Black Point Drive and you are out in the boonies for sure. 

Some color at least, hopefully some more coming.

I can see the attraction of Florida. Of course, I hear it's hot in the summer but then I'm up north then but in the winter, it's hard to beat. We had a couple days of cool weather but now it's right back up to the 70s. We ordered our groceries while still in bed this morning, using the voice feature of the iPad, just speak what you want and it appears in the list of choices. One click later, and it's in the shopping bag. We may never go back to shopping in person, unless it's discontinued. 

We don't have a good view of the setting sun but we still had good color tonight. 

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