Cruising Tips

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Titusville - Parks and statues


Titusville really does have nice areas for outdoor activities

Titusville has reinvigorated their town facilities over the past few years. You saw at the marina yesterday that they're building a workshop for use of residents of the marina. They  replaced the washers and dryers with new, commercial models last year and remodeled the showers. This year they are upgrading the WiFi 10x in speed. The town redid the running path and added exercise machines to the running area. In add, they've kept the town in pretty good shape.

A statue here and there, good

Our cold weather is past for a while with a predicted temperature in the high 70s on Friday and through the next week. We'll do our Walmart grocery shopping on Saturday, ordering groceries Friday morning lying in bed, hard to beat. We may never go to a store again, why bother? We are about two weeks away from our second vaccine shots so we are doubling down on isolation. We don't want anything to interfer with getitng vaccinated and being good for our trip in the spring. Wouldn't it be nice to have a normal trip north and actually meet people in our cockpit and perhaps even eat out, but still with tables outside. 

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