Cruising Tips

Monday, February 22, 2021

Titusville - Spring Flowers are out and a power outage


The living fence was covered with blossoms

We notice on our walk this afternoon that spring flowers were starting to come out. There a wall of shrubbery on the way to Westland Marina that has flowers that show off in the spring. With the warm weather, the buds are blooming. It's nothing like Key West but it's a little color nevertheless. 

Taking a step back - lots of buds yet to bloom

We had a storm roll through which was nothing special but shortly thereafter, we lost power. Strangely, we still had 95 volts but not enough to power anything on. I took Hoolie out for his nightly walk and looked around. There was one pole that appeared to have a mangled transformer. The repair crews were all focused on that so I guess that was the problem. We'll just switch over to battery power for the evening and if it's not fixed by tomorrow, we'll run the genset. Being on a boat has certain advantages as far as power outages go. 

I don't know exactly what it's supposed to look like but probably not like this

Tuesday evening, Ann is due for her second vaccine shot and then it's a two week wait for full effectiveness to kick in. 

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