Cruising Tips

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Titusville - Flags, playgrounds, birds


Half mast

On my morning run, I noticed that the flags were all at half staff. I wondered why so I Googled it and found out that the governor ordered it after Rush Limbaugh passed away. Not everyone in Florida was pleased and some of the offices gave directives not to follow the order. However, all the flags I saw today were are half-mast. 

All plastic, no wood in sight, any more

Remember when the playgrounds were all made of pressure-treated wood? They were supposed to last forever. They only lasted a few years, until people realized what the wood was preserved with, mostly arsenic. All the play areas I know have all been replaced with plastic like the one in the photo, it looks quite elaborate. Do the kids have as much fun as we used to on the old-fashioned steel swings and climbing towers?

We just got back from Ann's appointment at Publix to get her second shot of the COVID vaccine. Now both of us have received both shots and we should be fully immunized after two more weeks (to give the body time to manufacture more antibodies).  I had no side effects at all to the second shot, we'll see whether Ann has the same experience. Just two more weeks of isolation, not that we're going to change what we're doing a lot but it would be nice to shop around a bit, with full masks and at uncrowded times, of course. 


  1. Pres. Biden ordered flags at half-staff thtru Friday to honor the 500,000 dead from Covid,
    @&$% rush.

  2. Changes in L'AttitudesFebruary 25, 2021 at 11:33 AM

    White House proclamation half staffing US flag.
