Cruising Tips

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Key West - It's closing down

BOs Fishwagon is kind of empty - take out only
All the bars and restaurants are closing today at 5:00 pm. The restaurants can still offer take out food but no inside seating. This is going to hit Key West like a ton of bricks. Their entire economy is tourism. I think they waited until today to allow St Patrick's Day go on which is a big event down here.

Same thing across the street at Pepe's, take out only
There was a fishing tournament that was canceled too along with a host of other events. Everything is just closing down. I hear that it's similar to the rest of the nation. One wonders if the cure is worst than the disease. A lot of people without an income down here is going to be hurt. However, the edicts are there to prevent the spread of the virus which could be even worst, especially for people our age.

No crowds at Only Wood looking for take out
I took Hoolie for a walk tonight and took photos of some of the familiar haunts that look eerie without the usual crowds. I think they are very optimistic to think this is only going to be a two-week thing. I don't think things will return to normal until everyone is vaccinated and that could take 12 to 18 months at least.

Likewise at the Raw Bar, nothing open
On that cheery thought, we'll be around here for a while, probably until May 26, when we'll reassess our situation. At least the weather is nice, in the 70s every day and we get our exercises in with running in the morning and a walk with Hoolie in the afternoon. We'll make do...
At least we had a sunset - Mallory Square is closed at sunset time


  1. Here in Ft. Lauderdale, we are joking that some old timers are putting up their shutters cause they see what's happening in grocery stores and figure it must be a hurricane!

  2. Bob - stay safe, stay healthy, but keep sending pics and posting. During challenging times, everyone needs stability to get through this - and your daily posts are just that. We'll get through this, it's scary, but hope of being able to do what you guys are doing now is what will help a lot of people.

  3. Bob, yes, I will keep posting on Key West. I have a hard time getting sympathy from my kids up north, being holed up here in Key West.

    Fred, the storefronts are closed, not shuttered. In this day and age, it doesn’t matter where you’re at as long as you have a good internet connection.
