Cruising Tips

Monday, March 16, 2020

Key West - Dante's Pool closed, crowds thinning out

Dante's Pool - usually shoulder to shoulder with spring breakers
Key West declared an emergency today which gave them additional powers to deal with the virus. There are still no confirmed cases of the virus in Key West but there are some cases in Miami. The bars and beaches were left open but gatherings of more than 50 people were not advised. In response, Dante's pool was closed today. It had yellow tape all around the pool. In the past, it was a meeting place for the spring breakers who stood shoulder to shoulder while standing in the water.

Not the usual crowd
I got the propane tank filled and on the way back, I stopped at the hardware store to buy batteries, they had plenty. They also had toilet paper. l don't understand the attraction of buying extra toilet paper? We went shopping at the local supermarket and there were plenty of items on the shelves, no shortages down here.

However, still a good crowd at Kraals
That said, the crowds are thinning out some. The cruise ships no longer stop for the next 30 days at least and the spring breakers ought to be lessening too. Meanwhile, we've decided to stay put at least for the next month and maybe the next two months. Fleetwing is docked bow-in so we aren't close to people walking along the dock, a form of "social distancing" I guess. We will head north after things cool down a bit. Until then, we'll have to put up with 70 to 80 degree weather, sunshine, and no rain. Oh well, we'll manage.

1 comment:

  1. It really is such a hardship! But I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves.
