Cruising Tips

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Osprey Marina - at a dock in rain, Aqua Map Tutorial

Gathering for the Aqua Map Tutorial on a rainy afternoon at Osprey Marina
Saturday was the day of the storm. Mostly, it's just rain but lots of rain. It started around noon and is due to continue until Sunday morning at 10:00 am or so. We are just waiting it out at the fuel dock but we do have electricity so we're nice and warm.

Poor little guy got run over by a car
Meanwhile, since nobody had pressing business during this rainy day, I decided to give a tutorial on the use of Aqua Map Master at the helm. I had about a dozen attendees for the 1.5-hour session. Aqua Map is much more powerful with many features that most people are not aware of. We had a lively discussion. There is tremendous inertion against trying anything new in the age group typical of boaters on the ICW. However, with the demonstration of great, new capabilities, it is attractive.

Holding still for the operation...
After the presentation, I noticed the dockmaster at the welcome desk with a turtle in hand. Upon a closer look, he was repairing the shell of a small turtle that had been run over by a car. Evidently, this has happened before and they have a proven procedure for the repair. It consists of using JB Weld adhesive.  The desk manager held the turtle as the dockmaster applied the adhesive. Hopefully, it will work as in the past.

The operating materials...

The rain is due to stop later Sunday morning and then we will move on to Georgetown. From there we are planning a long day on Monday to reach Charleston for two days. We will pass through McClellanville on a rising tide but it will only be about 2 ft, it should be enough. We have to make the Ben Sawyer bridge before 4:00 pm when it closes for two hours to ICW traffic due to weekday traffic.

1 comment:

  1. Changes in L'AttitudesOctober 20, 2019 at 2:51 PM

    I've used JB Weld on a lot of projects, but turtle shell repair is a new one to me.
