Cruising Tips

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Georgetown - we see the wooden boat show

The boats were just beautiful to behold!
The trip down the Waccamaw River was uneventful, lots of water. That is, until we reached Georgetown and only found 6.0 MLLW on the approach into the harbor. It was the shallowest water we saw all day. We had 4 ft of tide at the time so it was no problem.

The one would be nice to own but we wouldn't want to get it dirty by putting it in the water
We arrived in time to walk through town and see the wooden boats on display. They were beautiful but not practical for our use. The hours spent in building them does not compute for me but I can see the attraction for some. They are works of art.

The Harbor Walk here is nicely presented with restaurants, shops and hotels.
Our challenge on Monday will be reaching Charleston in one day, about 55 Nm away. Since the Isle of Palms has been dredged, that's no longer a concern but we still have to get through Minim Creek at low tide and then through whatever part of the McClellanville shallows not yet dredged. We will start out at 7:00 am in order to have a cushion on the 4:00 to 6:00 closing time on the Ben Sawyer bridge. By leaving at 7:00 am, we hope to reach the bridge by 2:30, at least that's the plan.

We plan on a two day stay there before continuing our journey south.

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