Cruising Tips

Friday, October 25, 2019

Kilkenny Marina - at a dock

The dredges are headed to Fields Cut!
As we approached Fields Cut, we were worried about getting past the dredges but then when we arrived, we discovered that they had not started dredging yet. With that, it was a clear shot through for 8.3 MLLW using the route we had from last spring. 

The Causton Bluff lift bridge will be no more in the spring
We had no problem with the Causton Buff lift bridge. The bridge tender told us that they opened on demand between 9:00 and 4:30. After that, it's only on the hour. The new high bridge is proceeding apace and is supposed to be completed by the spring. 

There was dry land a short distance from the dredged channel
The big event of the day was a passage through Hell Gate at dead low tide - but after it had been dredged! It was no problem at 12.1 MLLW! The one fly in the ointment was the discovery of an electrical power cable crossing under Hell Gate. The USACE can figure out who owns it. They had to avoid dredging over it for fear of causing damage so that left a 7.1 MLLW spot where the cable passed over the ICW. Still, it's a lot better than it's ever been in the past. 

Kilkenny used to be a plantation. The live oaks are huge!
We are headed for the Crescent River anchorage on Saturday. We are making headway!  

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