Cruising Tips

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Crescent River Anchorage - at anchor

Seagulls just love shrimp boats - I wonder why?
We've always liked the Crescent River anchorage since it's big enough to accommodate a lot of boats and it's right off the ICW. There's no traveling to reach the anchor site. The other necessity for us is the all-tide-level Hoolie access to shore on a sandy beach. Given those attributes, it's great for us and Hoolie. You'll anchor in 15 to 20 ft of water depending upon the tide level and the holding is very good.

We've never seen as many dredges as this year!
We didn't have any shallows today but we'll go through Little Mud River on Sunday. We will have lots of tide so depth is not a concern but I'll still try to get the deepest path possible recorded for my track which I'll upload later.

Our first sunset of the cruise! What took so long?
We are headed for the Jekyll Creek anchorage on Monday which will give us a good look at the dredged depths in the creek on the way in. I'll post my results on the Facebook page. There's some rain predicted for Sunday so we will try to get an early start to beat the worst of it.

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