Cruising Tips

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Titusville - Visits and a wood stork

An odd-looking creature. Notice the one leg stand. He reminds me of a scene from Time Bandits
Since we're not traveling, many of our friends have dropped by to say hello. Today we renewed tied to a friend that Ann had when she attended the University of Maine. Dick and Barb spend the winters in Florida and the summers in Maine. It's a good way to get the best of both worlds and I think there's a lot of other people that do the same thing, us included although we do it on a boat. We used to spend winters in New York, it's not bad, it just doesn't appeal to us anymore. We like the warmer weather now.

It's always good to meet friends along the way
They are headed back north and we'll follow in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, we continue to enjoy the warm weather and I'm finishing up on getting all the routes ready for my Facebook site. I will be creating a gpx file that when downloaded, includes all the gpx files needed for going north. One download, all gpx files for all routes on my GPX Routes page. That one file should make it easier to upload the routes to a chartplotter since there are so many of them if you do it separately.

Time to take Hoolie ashore!

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