Cruising Tips

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Titusville - Moorings too

Titusville also has a mooring field - but it's wide open to the wind and waves
We keep getting these northern fronts coming down. This is the time of the year when all this is supposed to stop! I want warm weather, I want calm days, I want a south wind if there's any wind at all. What is going on? Well, I'll show the weather gods, I'll just sit here until I get what I want...

The purpose of the spray is to prevent stratification. I always thought it was to aerate the water
Well, that was refreshing. Unfortunately, we'll have to move by 4/15, it's getting late. We think we have all these things we have to do over the summer and some are probably pretty important so we will eventually go north. First of all, we have the kids next week and the weather is predicted to be in the 80's so that's a relief - if prediction meets reality. We can all hope.

Hoolie continues his enthusiasm in going to the dog park. If he thinks he's headed that way, he whimpers all the way, it's the only time he ever makes a sound. He doesn't do it in the morning or at night when I walk the same path, only when he's actually headed for the dog park. Dogs learn I guess. All he does is run after balls I throw. He doesn't bring them back, he just chases them. That's his exercise. He ignores all other dogs, he just wants to run. I wonder what he thinks of us...

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