Cruising Tips

Friday, March 29, 2019

Titusville - Wayward boat secured, dinner with Gordon and Eta

Secured at last
The boat that was hung up by the entrance to the marina was finally pulled over to the boat ramp today. Nobody has claimed it yet - there's not much to claim but they are still hoping someone will take it away. At least it's secure for now and no longer a threat to the marina boats.

With had an evening with Gordon, Eta, and friends on their boat. It's another perk of being on the water, there's a community of boaters with shared interests and we like to get together over a meal. Gordon grilled steaks, Eta prepared the side dishes, and we all had a great time.

And a good time was had by all
They will be heading north Saturday morning so they will be ahead of us through all the trouble spots. I feel like I'm dragging up the rear this year. Usually, I'm out in front but not so this time. Aqua Map Master has new surveys for many southern shallows like Hell Gate and Mud River so I used the maps today to form routes to find the deepest water and uploaded the new routes to GPX Routes. Hopefully, it will make the run north a little less stressful this year.

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