Cruising Tips

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Titusville - Black Point and Low Country Boil

A tri-colored heron at Merritt Island
We wanted to see how the birds were doing at Merritt Island so we took another drive along Black Point. This time, the birds were almost all gone! There was not a spoonbill in sight and very few other birds. I guess most of them are on their way north. We did see a tri-colored heron but he was all alone.

The marina had about 100 turn out for the dinner
Today was the day for the low country boil hosted by the marina. Each person got a bag of shrimp, sausage, potatoes, and corn on the cob. We passed by the table and got a netted bag with the goodies inside. I guess it's a tradition in the area and for $10/bag, it was a bargain. It was more than enough to eat and it came with iced tea and dessert (apple cobbler or banana pudding). It was a good way to get the marina socially together and the food was good.

The chef was in fine form
I have a few more boat projects before the kids arrive from up north and then it's invasion time, we're looking forward to it!

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