Cruising Tips

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Titusville - Sailing lessons and sunset

On to the races, one paddle at a time
The marina hosts a sailing club for youngsters. We saw them row the boat out for some sailing around buoys in the river. They had a chase boat but the sailboats had to be manually paddled out to the course. The boats were about the same size as the one I learned to sail in at Annapolis. We also had no motors, like the ones here. After all, it's a sailboat. When we had to dock, we chose the side of the dock where we could make a landing without having to paddle.

On the way back, there was no wind in the marina so one decided to take a dip
After a while, the sailboats returned, and sure enough, they were paddling to reach their slip deep in the marina. They were paddling so furiously, that one of the crew fell in the water! They all had lifevests on so he bobbed back up and was unceremoniously hauled aboard.

Day's end
Next came the sunset and it wasn't too bad. No color but still a nice way to end the day. At least it's warm now with light winds.

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