Cruising Tips

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Titusville - Going North Presentation

About 1/2 of the room before the presentation when more crowded in. People were standing in the doorways.
There was no further room inside.
I was amazed at the turnout. There were about 30 people that packed into a room with seats for about 10. Chairs were moved in from the outside room and some people sat on the floor. The room was filled by 6:15. Luckily, the pizzas arrived on time and I brought wine for spirits. I could have started by 6:15 but I waited until 7:00 since it was the time I announced for live streaming over Facebook too. I have no idea how the live streaming worked, I'll find out later. I think I had about a dozen watching, maybe more.

The other half but still missing a few people who couldn't fit in the room
I had 62 slides to go through in one hour. In fact, I started at 7:00 and finished within a minute of 8:00. The slides went fast which was good since I covered from Titusville to Norfolk in the allocated time. Everyone seemed to enjoy the talk.

Lot's of fun
It's been a long day, time for bed.

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