Cruising Tips

Monday, March 4, 2019

Titusville - local color

Just local color around the marina
Titusville is not bereft of flowers. It's rather far south after all but it still doesn't compare to Key West in that respect (which has never seen freezing temperatures). Nevertheless, there are plenty of flowers around and they are starting to be in full bloom. Being more of a mechanical sort of person, I don't know their names but they look pretty to me.

We have a variety, here's a blue flower
We greatly enjoyed all the photos of snow up north and we've had more than a few conversations over instant messaging on the joys of being down south in the warm weather - not appreciated entirely by those of the family up north - but then, what do they know... 

It reminds me of Key West with all the flowers
We are due to get our own version of winter weather over the next few days before it warms up again to the 80's. Our high is only 60 on Wednesday - heavens! The locals will vastly overdress for the event but then we are turning into locals as far as temperatures are concerned so we will be just as bad. Meanwhile, there's taxes to do and more boat projects, our list always seems to grow, not shrink.

1 comment:

  1. 1st looks like Plumeria, 2nd looks like Plumbago, 3rd is Oleander. Wish they grew around here. I have to bring them in over winter if I want to keep for next year.
