Cruising Tips

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Titusville - Cold weather, antenna and Windex

Temps in the '60s, no people!
The dog park is usually packed in the afternoon with all kinds of dogs out for their afternoon romp, but not today! With the temperature plunging 20 degrees to the mid-'60s, the dog park was deserted. When I lived in the north, I can remember making fun of those in warmer climes about being cold at temperatures when we up north (at the time) would be basking in the warm weather of a rising mercury. 60-degree weather to us (at the time) would be dozens of degrees warmer than we've endured during the winter months.

However, that was then and this is now. We were the only ones in the dog park and it was cold!! We had let our blood thin out. So beware of making fun of us (now....) southerners when a cold front comes through. If you ever come south, you'll be in the same boat!

After 15 years
Have you checked yours recently?
Meanwhile, my lost Windex finally found it's way to Titusville so I finally have all the pieces for installation on the top of the mas, a VHF antenna and the Windex. Both were over 15 years old so it was time for replacements. Our rigger will be by Wednesday or Friday to complete the remodeling of the mast top.

A new top of the mast, about time!
We think the McKeevers will be by Thursday and we're looking forward to that. They are also from the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club and we'll trade stories although ours can't compare to Bill's. We'll be in the cockpit since outside it's only due to reach 60!

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