Cruising Tips

Monday, May 21, 2018

Solomons - at anchor

We call it a bird feeding station - the locals call it a fish weir
The forecast in the morning differed greatly between the apps and will be a good test for Round 2 in the Weather App Shootout to be written later this week, I hope. We accessed the Potomac weather buoy and saw 17 kt winds and decided to stay in for awhile to let the winds calm down. We left eventually around 10:00 and reached Solomons at 4:30. The wind actually died off completely! It turned out to be one of the calmest crossings of the Potomac ever.

What happened to my chain?
The Mill Creek anchorage is famous for its mud. When you pull up the anchor, you can barely see it due to all the mud. It's one place for sure that you want a washdown hose in the anchor locker.

Anchored for the night at Solomons - lots of boats
We are anchored in our favorite spot, the Holiday Inn anchorage where there's a dinghy dock for only $2/day. It's a short ride over for Hoolie and convenient for us. We were planning on picking up a mooring in Annapolis on Tuesday but we heard that the Navy has a big event for the next few days when they commission their new officers. I called ahead and found that the moorings were full! With that, we will aim for Rhode River and just anchor out. We can still reach Chesapeake City from there and there's plenty of room. After that, it's waiting for a window to travel down Delaware Bay.

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