Cruising Tips

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Rhode River - at anchor

Hoolie's island. We only use the sandy part of the island.
We had intended to pick up a mooring at Annapolis but when we learned about all the events associated with the Navy commissioning their new officers and the lack of moorings, we decided to duck into Rhode River for a dependable place for the night. We made it just in time, about an hour before a line storm came through and it's still raining as I type.

As at all of our anchorages, there's Hoolie relief nearby at a deserted island. There is a sign up now asking for limited usage to save erosion on the island. From photos in the past, it is getting smaller and smaller. The anchorage here is totally protected from all weather and wave action so it's one of our favorites. We know that the mooring field at Annapolis can get rocky in a southwest wind to the tune of the bow bobbing up and down a couple of feet. You wouldn't think any wave action could get into the mooring field but such is not the case.

Looks like the rain is finally ending, time to take Hoolie ashore
We were supposed to have 5 to 10 kts out of the south and instead it was 15 kts all the way north. It didn't bother us since we had the wind and waves behind us but I wouldn't want to be on a  boat headed south. Not a single weather app or service predicted the 15 kt winds, they all said 5 to 10 kts.

We are looking at the weather to see if we can make Chesapeake City on Wednesday or do we have to duck into Rock Hall. Rain is predicted for the afternoon so Rock Hall may be the best bet. We also heard that Chesapeake City was dredged and now it's 10 ft throughout the anchorage. That's great news for the cruising crowd. We will reach there Wednesday or Thursday and then watch the weather for the jump to the Cohansey anchorage. We like to take the Cape May Canal and high tide is late in the afternoon so we need the stop at Cohansey to stage us for a low tide passage under the 55 ft bridges.

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