Cruising Tips

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Key West - A day of rest and piling replacement

Sarah is doing a Flemish coil on our lines with Natalie watching
Sarah and Natalie arrived today with their parents from the frozen north. Now they have blog duties along with enjoying Key West.

Natalie: Yesterday we got to the boat after a long day of hiccups and lots of naps! Today we took it slow but still had some fun. First people came in and took two damaged pillars out of the ground to replace them after the hurricanes. My dad and I went out to get coffee from the Cuban Coffee Queens which I must say, even though I do not like coffee the Cuban sandwiches are truly Tasty! As we continued our slow day I sat on the back of Nana and Grandpa’s boat watching the dinks trying to get by the big barge in the way! In the afternoon everybody (including Hoolie) but my dad went for a walk around the marina. After a while Nana, Grandpa, and holy went back to the boat and mom, Sarah, and I walked around to some of the stores near by. Now I must go so I can enjoy some chicken potpie by my Nana!

Manatees made their first appearance in the harbor today
Sarah: Today I woke up and I thought I was still in a dream! Going through exams and project after project really made Key West a relief. We had a delighted breakfast with beautiful warm weather. For the rest of the morning I read boat related books and watched construction workers taking out pilings. The pilings they were taking out were damaged from the storms months before. After we eventually went on a walk to see beautiful Key West. Walking through the streets and on the docks made me realize how long I have been going here. I knew where everything was and Key West doesn’t really feel like vacation, but  amazing home away from home. The bright tropical spirit and beautiful waters are the things that make you fall in love with this place. On the walk we went to CVS to get some essentials and we looked around in some stores. I got strawberry gelato and we walked back to the boat. I find it funny watching people paying so much to go on these crowded big boats. Afterwards, Natalie and I talked and hung out on deck watching the sunset. Now I am writing the Blog and can’t wait for another gorgeous day in Florida!

After pounding in
Sarah is a Freshman in highschool and Natalie is in the 8th grade. They both will have blog duties during their week long stay on Fleetwing. After the long trip yesterday, complete with driving through a grass fire along US 1, it was time for a rest. It worked out okay since today was also still a work day for the barge fixing damaged pilings. It's amazing how deep they drive the pilings. They completed the repair work for now and will be going over to Garrison Bight marina to do more extensive repairs. It suffered a lot more damage than Key West Bight.

We plan a more active day on Friday with a trip to the supermarket for provisions and wine. Mostly, it will be just enjoying the warm, Key West weather with temps in the high 70's every day and no rain.


  1. Hello Captain Bob!
    We purchased your 2017 ICE Cruising guide and I have a question: you mention that Active Captain site should be checked for latest info (Ponce de Leon Inlet). We registered at Active Captain, but u can't find any info there. Where should I look?
    Natalia from Bella Vita.

  2. Natalie, Garmin bought Active Captain a couple of months ago and it seems they’ve been a one man wrecking crew. They have a different view on how the site should be organized and the comments on hazards are buried in the site. It took me over 10 minutes to find them myself. The best way to see the Active Captain comments now is to use one of the many iPad nav programs that show hazard icons superimposed on the chart for easy access. Just tap on the icon and the latest info comes up. One such app is AquaMap. The app is free and for $15, you get the he entire US. From within the app, you sign into Active Captain and the app downloads all Active Captain comments. Once the database is downloaded, you do not need an internet connection to see hazard comments.

    As far as Ponce de Leon is concerned, the best advice is to pass 50 ft off R18 and R18A for about 6 MLW.

    Here’s a direct link for Ponce de Leon by R18 and 18A
