Cruising Tips

Friday, February 16, 2018

Natalia is on the left, Sarah on the right
Natalie: Today was a peaceful day, I relaxed in the aft cabin for a while then the crew went out on a grocery run. During this time my dad and I stayed behind to help a fishing boat come into the dock next to us. After that we headed on a walk for two hours and had lunch at The Island Dog, I definitely recommend the chicken caesar wrap! With that we came back to the boat where I cooled down in the air conditioned aft. When the relaxing was over Mom, Sarah, and I went on a walk all around Duval St and had some gelato at Duetto very, very good. For dinner we had a very cranberry, chicken, and many different salads, and coleslaw. When dinner was over Sarah and I ate Oreos on the dock watching the boats come in or as I call it enjoying life!  

Sarah: Today I woke up and had cereal for breakfast in the cockpit. Today was a grocery day so we went and conquered the store with three whole wagons. After we did two trips from the car to get the bags on the boat me, mom, and Natalie went on walk. We went down Duval Street seeing the different shops. After a while we stopped and got some amazing gelato. We went up and down the streets watching the trolleys pass by. Afterwards Natalie and I hung out on deck while I read some of Grandpa’s book. The sunset was gorgeous to watch and the breeze felt wonderful. I heard from my friends in Connecticut that it was rainy but in Key West it was in the 80s. We had dinner and now Natalie and I might play some Black Jack, bye!

Typical alley sight, this was from a tree in full bloom
Having two teenage girls on board is an experience. I think they are enjoying Key West and the change in the weather from Connecticut. I explored more of the backstreets of Key West. The alleys usually border the backyards of the houses and they plant ornamental trees and flowers which are in full bloom. So Hoolie and I walk along and enjoy the view.

This is the sunset the girls were enjoying
Saturday is our sailing day as our weather continues to be extraordinary. With all the crew, it's no problem backing out and unlooping the lines off the top of the pilings. Philip has a personal challenge with his sister who reached 8.2 kts when she sailed Fleetwing! (not that there's any competition between siblings...)

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