Cruising Tips

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Key West - Sailing Day

Finn loved to do "green sailing"
Today was an awesome day. We went sailing. I dipped my feet into the water. I got to drive too. We did school work regularly Math reading and spelling. Grandpa and me took a walk to the dock master to find out if I can fish off the back of the boat. He said there is a large section devoted to fishing but we where not there. Sailing was fun. Mainly because I got to sail on completely green fuel so that was fun. As I said I got to drive to but all in all it was a good experience. That’s all I did today.

Finn's Dad, Mike. A great day of sailing
(This is Rowan’s dad again, writing for him after enjoying one of THE best days of sailing and now enjoying a nice glass of whiskey. Please excuse any spelling errors) Today we went sailing, it was actually pretty fun! I made a few videos to show my class when I get back. Tonight we are having cheeseburgers for dinner and leftovers. Right now I’m just hanging out on the boat. And for me that was all today. Bye.  

Another view of America 2.0 under full sail
It was one of those days that was meant for sailing. The winds were 10 to 15 kts which is perfect for our boat. It was mostly steady around 12 kts but there were gusts to 17 which added a dose of excitement to the sailing. You had to be on your toes to keep the boat pointed where you wanted to go. Everybody took turns at the wheel, even Rowan for a while. I think Finn enjoyed it the most. He's a big fan of "green power" which is the essence of sailing, no diesel fuel when powered by the wind. 

Finn's mother, Carrie hit 8.2 kts today!
Getting in and out of our slip is always fun but once you get the lines set up for the proper length so you don't hit the dock in front, it's no problem. Ann prepared hamburgers all around and everyone was full. The weather continues to be more than perfect - highs of 76 and lows of 68 to 70 at night with a 10 to 15 kt breeze, just great. I don't think I'll ever go back to winters up north. 

Finn has truly caught the fishing bug and he wants to spend all day Saturday fishing off the pier nearby. I suppose I'll accompany him in the pursuit of his new found passion. 

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