Cruising Tips

Friday, February 9, 2018

Key West - Aquarium Day and Time Bandits

This is the breakwater that saved Key West Bight Harbor - but it did collect a few boats that washed up on its shore.
The storm waters never breached the breakwater
Today was a good day. We took a walk to aquarium and saw the fish. Rowan got to touch fish in the fish tank. I think touch tanks are crueler to the fish. Imagine having big hands come down and randomly touch you. I had a large bacon burger. I couldn’t finish it. We got to see large turtles. One had a prosthetic flipper. He had his flipper cut of in a motor accident. We are watching Time Bandits tonight for a movie. That’s all I did today.                                                                                                                        
A closer look at some of the debris that washed up but was stopped by the breakwater
(Rowan’s part by Finn) Today I made wind surfers with Nana. We also went on a walk with grandpa and are watching Time Bandits. We also went to the aquarium today. My favorite part was the alligators and feeding the fish. For dinner we had Nana’s potpie which was pretty good. We also saw the aquarium’s turtles. There was a big one in the stingray tank. There were some turtles in the tanks with missing flippers. I felt bad for them. That’s all I did today.            
A tradition at Key West is the feeding for the pelicans at 4:00. They love the fish left over from the fillets

The gang went over to the Key West Aquarium which is better than you might expect for such a small town. There's a lot of touching and feeling for the local critters even with Finn's objections. The aquarium suffered some damage to their outside exhibits but there was plenty to see and do inside. I highly recommend it 

We also scouted out a local for Finn's fishing. There's a pier by the Galleon  that allows fishing from a small spot on their walkway. Finn has his heart set on trying out the skills he learned while fishing with Uncle Harry. I asked and learned that Finn does not need a license to fish in the ocean but it has to be catch and release since we are not up on what's in season or out of season and they are quite strict on that down here.

We have the kids tonight while their parents have a night out. They wanted to watch Time Bandits which they've all seen at least three times but they never seem to tire of it.

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