Cruising Tips

Monday, February 5, 2018

Key West - A hair cut for Ann and a night walk on Duval Street

Nana got a haircut and got a hug from Finn
Today was a normal day. We started it of with a walk and had breakfast. We then did school work. I did math reading spelling and science. Then a man came by named Mr. Spencer. They talked for a while and left. I then did my trumpet. We re cooked last night's dinner and ate that. Tomorrow my parents are coming for a week. I have a plan on what to do when they get here. That’s all I got for you. 

Duval Street at 7:00 on a Monday. There's more people here than it appears
The boat was all abuzz with getting ready for our first set of visitors, Finn's parents. There was laundry to do and other things less pleasant (pump out). With all that, we are now ready for our escapees from the cold, they will be with us for a week.

The Bull and Whistle Bar is still going strong - and I suspect the third floor although I have no direct knowledge of that...
We take Hoolie out every evening so tonight we thought of a walk down Duval Street at 7:00 pm. In past years it was wall to wall people and although I wouldn't call it uncrowded but there were fewer people here than in past years. It was a pleasant walk in what would pass in the north for an evening stroll in the summer.

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