Cruising Tips

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Key West - Finn's parents arrive for a week, "Peace Out,Titanium"

Here's the view from the clubhouse, we are on the left dock
Hi, I'm Rowan and I want my time on the boat too,
Sometime in the future
Today was a good day. My parents came, we did some cleaning, we are having sandwiches and school went by like a bee returning to his hive (witch is pretty quick actually) Editor's Note: Finn has been learning figurative language. My mom is getting some Cuban sandwiches from the Cuban Coffee Queen. I am getting the Cuban mix when the others want shipwrecks, but it’s spicy so I didn’t get it. My little brother is getting plain ham and cheese. Here’s Rowan.    

(Rowan’s part will be typed by his dad. All opinions expressed by Rowan are his only and in no way represent anyone else aboard the Fleetwing)
Finally, after 150 miles of car travel, I get to relax on the boat with my brother! I’m looking forward to seeing turtle races. And I got to admit, the plane ride was cool and there were TVs in the back of the seats. I also saw the old Key West train bridge that runs next to the road, and one day I hope to walk on it. I think that’s all for today. Peace out, titanium! (I have absolutely no idea what this means as he’s never said it before).

In his mother's arms
Everyone arrived on schedule. Finn's parents came through Baltimore and arrived at Ft Lauderdale on a non-stop flight, the only way to go. The rented a minivan and drove down to Key West. They reported seeing a lot of devastation in the Marathon area. Where there used to be mangroves between the road and the ocean, there was only ocean now. Houses that were on the ocean side had been moved to the bay side. We didn't see any of that on our stop over since we only stayed on night in a marina on the outskirts of Marathon.

We now have a full house. There was a joyful reunion between Finn and his mom and dad. He's only 11 years old and being away from his parents for so long is still a new experience for him. For dinner we made it easy with an order of Cuban Sandwiches from the Cuban Coffee Queen. They are relatively inexpensive at $8.50 each and they are very filling.

We are looking forward to the week with lots to do and explore. Finn and Rowan (his brother) still have schoolwork to do, no vacation there, so part of the day will be taken up with studying. Finn wants to go in the ocean and Rowan wants to see trains. It's an exciting time for them and us.


  1. I guess what goes around finally comes around. Peace out is just a way of saying goodbye kind of like in the 60s when peace was a very common greeting. Titanium can mean very very cool or indestructible, depending on the user.

  2. Bob did you determine the best IPad app for your purposes to replace Garmin Mobil Blue Charts? If so I missed the post and don't see it listed. Thanks
    Lin Earley MV HardShip

  3. Lin, I’m about two weeks away from publishing the results. The leading candidate is much better than Garmin and inexpensive. They are in their last beta version and I want that in the Apple store before I publish.
