Cruising Tips

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Key West - Cook's Night Out with dinner at Schooner Wharf

One of the most famous sights in Key West for photos
Today is another day in Key West. It is Nana's night off so we are going to Schooner Wharf for dinner. There was a book sale at the library so I got one called The Grunts. It is an account about a marine in the Vietnam War and another also on Vietnam but explains the strategy used in the war. One more one about a boy living on a large boat. We went to the dog park again but Hoolie got a bit tired so we went home. We went to the store and got provisions at Faustus. That’s all I got for you today.     

The book sale is located in a garden next to the library
With a good morning sun, I decided to take the obligatory photo in front of the Cuban Coffee Queen, given the good morning light. It must be one of the most popular photo sites in Key West. I think the painting is refreshed every year. 

The flowers are starting to come out in Key West
The next stop was at the monthly library sale where you can pick up some good books at bargain prices. They used to have paperbacks but this month they did not. That's too bad, the hardcover books seem so bulky to me now. Even the paperbacks take up a lot of space on a sailboat. About 90% of what we read now a days is via our Kindles. It's convenient to have but lending books is not easy. If you own a paperback or hardcover, then you can loan it to anybody, not so with a digital version. Most have some form of copyright protection that prevents selling them. 

We're rather fond of these flowers on a tree that grows in Key West
With the night out for the cook, we had fish sandwiches at Schooner Wharf (Finn had a plain hamburger). Schooner does a good job on their sandwiches so everyone was happy. The band, however, was so loud we couldn't even order. I had to retreat to the bar and get within an inch of the waiter's ear to get our order across. So the food was good but the band was too loud. 

Yep, Barry is now on Saturdays at BO's Fishwagon, not Fridays
We then walked down the street to see Barry Cuda at BO's Fishwagon. He used to be a staple every Friday night but now he's playing on Saturdays. I was surprised to see that BO's was not full. Usually when Barry plays, there's not an empty seat in the house. He was by himself tonight except for accompaniment by drums. We'll be back later in the month and perhaps eat there too since it looks like there's room now.  

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