Cruising Tips

Friday, February 2, 2018

Key West - Civil War Reenactment

Civil War reenactment march down Duval
Today was a good day. We had are morning walk too. I had a regular breakfast. We took Hoolie to the dog park today.  We did my schoolwork. We filled the water tank too. Tonight’s menu is Fajita. It’s basically a chicken taco with lime sauce on top for the extra flavor. At the dog park there where 2 other dogs. One did not partially like me so I stayed away from it. That’s all I got for you tonight.  
Once a year, Key West stages a reenactment of the Civil War. Key West, although it was thoroughly in the south, it was always held by the Union. It was open to the sea and the Union controlled the seaways. Today they marched down Duval Street all dressed in era uniforms. It seemed smaller than in years past. The enactment is staged at Ft Zachary Taylor which is just out of reach of us without a car. 

They take the era dress seriously
The other attraction of Saturday is library day where they sell paperbacks for 25 cents each. We'll walk the three blocks to the library and see what they have. We always stock up on books for the trip north later but after the advent of Kindles, we don't stock up so much. the Kindles are so convenient, a dead tree copy seems out of touch. 

Seems rather large for the pier
The island is visited by cruise ships as much as ever as far as I can tell. A couple of days there were three in port at the same time, today there was only one. They don't do anything for the local restaurants since everyone eats onboard but I guess they buy a few trinkets. 

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