Cruising Tips

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Caesar's Creek - at anchor

On our way south, we passed by Stiltsville. It's still there but taken over by the National Park Service now
Today was fun. We started it of with some biscuits for breakfast. I had Charleston honey on mine. It’s the best honey in the world not including my uncle commando’s honey. He owns a bee farm in Pennsylvania. We were under way at about 9:30 am then we left Miami. We are now at Caesar’s Creek. And we are at a no wake zone so we got a plus added. But theirs always the occasional speeder but the other boats help by yelling slow down at the top of their lungs. Tonight’s menu is pork tenderloin with cranberry syrup. That’s all I got for you today.      

Ann had a rider part way down the cruise today
We took the bay side route to Caesar's Creek. The entrance to the creek from the bay side is rather shallow to say the least. We only try the entrance at a dead, high tide of 1.3 ft or more. Even with that tide, the entrance has a 5.1 ft bar to get over which we can clear with our 4' 9" keel. The bottom is not forgiving, it's rock, not mud.  However, we've used this anchorage for years which we like for the good protection from adverse winds and the free park dock for Hoolie. The docks have a ladder at one end for easy access. Even though it's about a four foot jump, Hoolie manages to make the leap onto the dock.

The Park Ranger has a nice house on the island
Going ashore today, we were met by another Brittany! He was as energetic as Hoolie as they pranced and hopped around the area. It turns out that the Brittany was owned by the park ranger who lives in a house on the island. I asked him about the dock and he relayed that it was a day-only dock and not for an overnight stay. That's fine with us, we anchored anyway just off the docks out of the channel.

Here's the reason for our stay, see the ladder at the right end of the dock, that's our easy in and out
Our goal on Monday is Tavernier at Blue Waters Marina. It's a long term marina but they occasionally have dock space when renters leave for awhile. That's the case for us on Monday. There's a 4.3 MLW bar to get over so we'll need some help from tides which we will time for our entrance. Once inside, the place is a hurricane hole. The next day we are all set for Marathon.
Finally, a decent sunset

1 comment:

  1. I have a Florida cruising question.
    Would you be willing to call my cell?
    The question and answer may be too long to write. (Not too long to converse)
