Cruising Tips

Monday, January 22, 2018

Blue Waters Marina - at a dock

A sunrise greeted us in the morning at Caesar's Creek
Today was awesome. We got underway at about 8:00 am. When we got to blue water marina we saw a pavilion and said, ”that would be a nice place to do school work."  Then we saw a stove and said that we could cook diner there. Then we saw some fans there and said lets eat at the pavilion. Sadly Nana is a bit pooped so we are eating here. But at least we are eating hamburgers. We also met 2 men at the pavilion. They told old fishing trip stories. I thought it was entertaining. One of the older men told a story of how he won the fishing championship a third time in a row. The radioman told him he had to give everyone else a chance so he hasn't done it in a year. That’s all I got for you.    

The dock was very well protected
The anchorage at Caesar's Creek was calm and out of the worst of the current. When I took Hoolie ashore in the morning, I got a photo of the sunrise over the ocean. We had to wait a little to get over the  bar on the exit to the ocean side but we made it with room to spare with a 1.3 ft tide (4.8 MLW).

Sailing or not, Finn has his studies to do - this time in a cabana by the boat
We had a reservation at Blue Waters Marina in Tavernier where we've stayed  before so we headed west and arrived just at high tide. There is a 4.3 MLW bar across the entrance so we needed some tide to get in with our 4' 9" keel.

We are getting into the tropical flowers, finally
The marina here is mostly liveaboards but they occasionally have an empty dock. In our case, we had the dock of someone who had to haul his boat to be worked on. The area used to be a quarry so it's plenty deep once you get past the entrance. It's said that once they quarried what they needed, a trench was dug out to the ocean and dynamite was used to open the last 20 feet and the ocean flooded in. The depths are generally 20 to 30 ft except right at the entrance where it's 4.3 MLW.

We will leave in the morning for Marathon where we will wait out a cold front coming down that will result in some high winds for several days. Once they subside, we'll move on to our dock at Key West.

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