Cruising Tips

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Port Jefferson - at anchor

Running the dinghy is great fun for kids of all ages. They all take turns.
Today was great. We went to the beach. I snorkeled. I found some interesting rocks. I even found a clam. I spent most of my time In the aft cabin reading. We anchored at port Jeff. Sadly we didn’t sail but it didn’t take long to get here though. Today was a FANTASTIC day and I hope I have more like it. BYE       

The blog above was from Finn. His brother Rowan got off the boat in Branford but Finn stayed on for the rest of the trip. We would have liked the winds to be incorrectly forecast like yesterday, out of the northwest instead of the southwest. Now that we needed winds out of the northwest, naturally, the winds came directly out of the southwest, mostly on the nose for the trip from Milford to Port Jefferson which resulted in us motoring all the way. Oh well, such is Long Island Sound.

Storms all around us but none on us so far
It was a short trip over and we found the anchorage entirely empty. Two other boats came in later but three  boats in all allows for a lot of room. The anchorage could easily take 30 boats. Of course, the kids were eager to go swimming so that consumed about two hours in the afternoon. There are thunderstorms all around us but none appear to be aimed at us. It's warm at 83F but there's a breeze and if needed, we'll run the genset tonight with A/C to cool off the boat.

Our goal on Thursday is to move over to Northport and anchor next to Sand City for more beach time. There should be a window open in the morning before the storms kick up.

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