Cruising Tips

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Milford - at a dock

Finally got to sail
Hi this is Sarah here and today was a pretty quiet day. This morning when I got up it was very hot and humid. We had breakfast and then we said goodbye to Mattituck and headed over to Milford. We were able to sail but we only went 5 knots for our speed. Me, Matt, and Finn all took turns sailing the boat. After I read for a long period of time; so much that I was asleep when we were heading into Milford. I took the stern lines and helped with the fenders. After tying down the boat Matt, Finn, and me played card games like slap jack, knock, and exploding kittens. I won a good amount of those games and then Matt started to make dinner after, which are taco burgers (onions, and taco seasoning). So now were going to eat dinner and might watch a Kurt Russell movie after wards, bye!

The docks are nice and quiet
We were going to spend the rest of the trip at anchorages but when we looked at the weather report and saw a southwest wind predicted at 10 to 12 kts, we thought that was perfect for a long reach to Milford from Mattituck. But we made a fatal mistake, we broadcast our intentions before leaving the anchorage. That was the opening the weather gods wanted. Upon exiting the inlet, the winds were directly on the nose! The winds were out of the northwest and not the southwest! We should have hidden our intentions better to keep the weather gods guessing and maybe they would have guessed wrong. But usually in cases like that, there's no wind at all until you turn in one direction or the other, then it's right on the nose! We've even tried pointing at somewhere we didn't want to go but to no avail, the weather gods knew better.

In the end, nothing beats ice cream
In the end, we just clocked over enough away from Milford to get some sailing in at the expense of having to motor the last two hours into the wind to make up for the sailing while not pointed at Milford. On the positive side, everyone had a turn at the helm sailing and they all did fine. We took a dock at Milford Landing Marina and Matthew prepared dinner. I took everyone out for ice cream at one of the best places on Long Island Sound, Scoopy Doos

On Wednesday we're headed  back to Port Jefferson and one of our favorite anchorages where the kids can go swimming again. This time the winds are predicted to once again be out of the southwest but only at 4 to 5 kts, not enough to sail. At least the kids will be able to swim which is pretty important.

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