Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Rodriguez Key - at anchor

So what does a 10 year old do on a 10 hour passage?
Hi it’s Finn. Today we went to Rodrigues Key. I took so many thing to keep me from getting sea sick . I also putt on some sea bands # They really hurt when you take off!!! Today we where in turquoise water. We could see sea sponges because its only 10 feet deep. I played my tablet. Grandpa gave me some headphones. They work perfectly!!! In fact they even block out noise. We also took Hoolie to the dock to do his business. I also found out my shoes are not waterproof. That’s all BYE!!!   

Lots of sailboats in the Keys
Our intention was to stop over at Caesar's Creek for the night but when we saw the forecast for today with winds less than 5 kts and no wave action, we decided to push on to Rodriguez Key, about 25 Nm farther than Caesar's Creek. We left our mooring at 7:30 but had to take on fuel so we lost 1/2 hour doing that. We were finally underway by 8:00 and arrived at Rodriguez Key by 5:20 or so. It was a long day but the ride was perfect with the flat seas and no wind. We had a new sailor with us so we didn't want to stress the new crew with choppy conditions. 

The water here is very clear, the first place down the keys where you can easily see the bottom. The anchor chain is clearly visible as is the anchor itself in 10 ft of water. With winds of less than 10 kts for the night, it is predicted to be a calm anchorage even with the wind blowing into the anchorage. 

As always, we enjoy the sunets
From here it's only 48 Nm to Marathon which we intend doing on Friday. We don't yet know what to expect there. Last year there was a waiting list of 55 boats this time of the year. With the much  better weather for a crossing to the Bahamas, we hope the waiting list will be much shorter. It will be a little choppier for the run to Marathon but not too bad with winds only around 10 kts. We have a car reserved for Saturday and Sunday so we'll take Finn out to see the sights. 

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