Cruising Tips

Friday, January 20, 2017

Marathon - at anchor

I took Hoolie into shore in the morning and saw a great sunrise
Hi it’s Finn. Today could have been better. I got seasick so we didn’t do much work. It was Hawk Channel being Hawk Channel. We did a lot of nothing and more nothing. When we took Hoolie out I felt like kissing the ground. # not a good idea. Hoolie on the other hand had an AWESOME DAY # lucky. So yah today was AWESOME… for lunch I had NOTHING. For dinner we are having chicken over rice. I can’t wait to go to the beach. That’s all BYE!!!   

Here's the same sunrise a little later from the cove where I took Hoolie
I guess it wasn't one of his favorite days. We had 50 Nm to go from Rodriguez Key to Marahton which was much shorter than yesterday's 70 Nm but the weather was not as good. We didn't have much wind and it was from the aft so it didn't do much to steady the boat. It was a sloppy ride for most of the way. Finn didn't feel too well but he didn't lose his cookies. 

Getting back to the boat to haul anchor, the clear water was evident at Rodriguez Key
I called ahead to Marathon and found that the waiting list was at 35 boats! We had hoped that with the good weather of the past week, there would be more leaving for the Bahamas but no such luck. We wedged into the anchorage, a little closer to other boats than we wanted but good enough we think. If not, we'll move again, no problem. 

The perfect end to the day was another sunset in Marathon Harbor (Boot Key)
There's a storm coming over latter part of the weekend with winds up to 30 kt or higher. The Marathon harbor is very well protected, you just need a good anchor so we depend on our 70 lb Spade and 3/8 inch BBB chain. We plan on moving over to Newfound Harbor on Wednesday and then to Key West on the 28th, Saturday. .

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