Cruising Tips

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Titusville - Goodbye for now

By the entrance to the marina, protection from wave action
Looking at the weather, it appears that we'll get thunderstorms everyday in the afternoon from here on out so there's no advantage in staying any longer at Titusville. Our strategy is to travel in the mornings and hunker down in the afternoons to withstand the storms. The  next several days of travel are only 35 miles days which we can make in less than 5 hours. So we should be in a harbor by 1:00 pm or so.

I've got to return the rental car Monday morning at 7:30, head back to the marina and then we'll cast off for the Rockhouse Creek anchorage. We've been there many times and there's a nearby sandy beach for Hoolie relief.

The other side completes the protection, there's a narrow opening for boats to enter between the two
As for today, I topped off the water tanks, taken on ice, washed down the decks and generally gotten the boat ready for the trip north. We are all set to go. With the bottom scrubbed by our diver, I took the dinghy over to the nearby docks and scraped the bottom so we ought to make hull speed the rest of the way at 7.3 kts. Time to move.

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