Cruising Tips

Monday, April 13, 2015

Daytona Beach - at anchor

The bane of cruisers in Florida - an abandoned boat - it makes the local towns want to implement anchoring laws 
We had intended anchoring at Rockhouse Creek but then we reached that anchorage at 12:30 and the weather still looked good enough so we pressed onward. There was a threat of thunderstorms in the afternoon so it was a race to reach Daytona before the thunderstorms hit. The storms develop over the interior of Florida where there's the most heat to power the storms and then they drift eastward to the coast where we're at. Gradually during the night they die off only to start all over again the next day.

We love anchorages with free dinghy docks!
It started to rain towards the end of our run so we ducked into Bethune Point Park anchorage in Daytona Beach and by luck we found it to be an excellent choice. It's a huge area so there's no danger of being crowded and best of all, they have a free dinghy dock for Hoolie relief. During this time of the year, it's nice and calm, very little passing traffic which may not be the case during the summer or on weekends.

More storms coming - at least not much lightning, yet...
The worst of the storms have missed us so far (more to come tonight) and we're 10 miles closer to our anchorage at Ft Matanzas on Tuesday.  We plan on leaving at 7:00 am in order to make the  bridge which closes down between 7:45 and 8:45 am for local car traffic and also to beat the predicted afternoon storms starting at noon.

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