Cruising Tips

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Steamboat Creek - at anchor

Nice area for a walk
We went through the heart of the shallow spots in Georgia today. One after the other, all not passable at low tide. However, we timed the passage for high tide and we made it through easily. As I said before, Georgia cares not about their part of the ICW and neither does South Carolina. If it were to all silt in, they wouldn't care. So as long as it lasts, we'll continue our trips south although only at high tide from here forward through those two states, it's a shame they don't take care of a national resource they are entrusted with.

We still have our stowaway, a gekko! He comes out once a day to  sun himself
The days are getting longer and now that the stalled front has moved on, the sun is out and we have beautiful weather again. We're at the Steamboat Creek anchorage tonight, one of our favorites. It has the prerequisite free dinghy dock for Hoolie and a protected anchorage area. We were even able to go for a walk although you keep an eye out for alligators, we're in alligator country for sure now until we reach Barefoot Landing in Myrtle Beach. That said, we haven't seen any yet, they tend to keep to the side streams with less current.

Hoolie's dock and Fleetwing nearby
On Thursday we have reservations at the Charleston Maritime Center for a couple of days to do laundry and provision. The big attraction is the nearby Harris Tetter, one of Ann's favorite supermarkets, and downtown which is only a 10 minute walk away. We know we're getting north since the temperatures keep dropping. Although it's still 75 now at 8:00 pm, it's due to plunge to 57 tonight, chilly for those used to Key West temperatures!


  1. I'm surprised you haven't named your gecko yet. Should it be Gary or Greta? They bring good luck, you know.

  2. Betcha Sarah would have had a name by now!

  3. I asked the official name giver last night, Sarah, and she christened the gecko "Pirate". I guess since he boarded the boat uninvited. We haven't seen him yet today.
