Cruising Tips

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Charleston - at the Maritime Center at a dock

The Cunard liner "Queen Victoria" was in dock, a really big ship!
I went to haul the anchor this morning and the windlass was very sluggish. It was going quite a bit slower than normal and it eventually tripped the breaker. I had to reset the breaker three times before I retrieved the anchor. I thought for a moment that I would have to manually haul the chain and anchor up. Something is definitely wrong. When we get to Charleston I'll have some debugging to do. There's always something on a boat to do.

Now docking at the Maritime Center can be tricky with the up to 2 kts of current either pushing you into the slip or out. However, we docked at near slack tide and Ann brought the boat in while I handled the lines. As usual at the Maritime Center, there was a full crew on the docks to receive us. They specialize in docking since many times the currents are very unforgiving and the slips are narrow with only 1/2 length fingers. Ann was successful and now we're in!

A typical freighter passing by
The marina here is located on a major fairway for very big ships and we do get a wash from their wakes when passing by. That's a negative for the marina but then it is very convenient to Harris Tetter and downtown Charleston so there's pluses and minuses.

I asked Sarah for a name for our stowaway and she came up with "Pirate" since he dropped onto the ship uninvited. We haven't seen Pirate today, hopefully he's still aboard and okay. We plan on being here until Sunday morning. A 100% chance of rain and thunderstorms are due Saturday so we'll wait out the bad weather here.

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