Cruising Tips

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Key West - A visit to Ft Zachary Taylor

A day at the beach is endlessly fascinating for kids
Sarah's Blog

We woke up and had breakfast the played pirates. Then we went to the beach witch was awesome! We made are self's into buggy boards and road in and out of the waves. We also made a fort with sea shells and pain old sand. It was pretty strong it stayed the whole time we were there. Then we had lunch and Finn and I made the sea gulls from eating are lunch. Then we went into the other side of the beach and saw a civil war reenactment. There were rocks so we found a flat one that was hidden so it was are secret fort behind the rocks. We got up and found rocks when they were far away. We brought so home too. We went and found stuff and brought it back to are fort. Then we went to the real fort and saw a black smith that let us touch stuff and she made a chain. Then back to the fort with a much of cannons that Rowan could fit in. We even went on the top. It was tall very tall. Then we went into Mallory Spare and saw people doing awesome stuff and got popcorn and the birds went and got some are popcorn. We walked back and went out for dinner I had a cheese burger with bacon. There was live music that was great and I was stuffed.

Well bye of to watch a movie bye. oiHbb

A stirring naval battle!
A Civil War reenactment was scheduled for today at Ft Zachary Taylor and with the warmer weather it was a perfect day for a visit to the beach there. It's our favorite beach at Key West. It's partially protected from waves and it has a sandy beach. We're told the sand was imported from the Bahamas since sand does not form behind a reef. 

Big cannons, small kids 
After a day at the beach it was time for a naval battle. They had three large ships with cannons blasting away as they sailed broadside to each other. Rowan really enjoyed the battle with the noise and smoke from the cannons. A tour of the cannons of the fort was in order next, huge monsters that could shoot a 300 lb shell! 

We didn't get to Mallory Square but did see the sunset from a distance
We wound up at Schooner Wharf for dinner that night and had a great time. On Sunday we're going out for a sail on Fleetwing and the crew is all excited and planning pirate adventures but we have to live here so it will be muted. 

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