Cruising Tips

Friday, February 6, 2015

Key West - A train ride

Off for a ride on the Conch Tour Train
Sarah's Blog

Today we went on a walk and we almost got attacked by chickens! Then went back and had breakfast and then did school work. We played with are stuff animals and then went on the train the Rowan just had to be on. It was fun and we were in the very back watching the road. They showed us stuff about the city and it was bumpy in the back. Instead of  going the next train we stopped for lunch. We had a blast at who will finish first and it was me! It was yummy and then we walked back to the boat. We went to the boat and we read a little. 

Pelican with tarpons at feeding time
Then went to go watch the pelicans being feed and there was a shark there too. We saw about 3 different kinds of pelicans one had a white head and brown neck, then there was one which was all brown, then one with a yellow head and gray wings and white neck. There was a lot of fish and different sizes. Then we played pirate on the deck. Well bye off to look at fishes bye.oiHbb

At the Wyland Gallery
The two boys in our company this week grew up on Thomas the Train so they both just had to take the Conch Tour Train. It's not Thomas the Train but it's sort of like a train and they just had to take it. So all around Key West they went and had a ball.

We had entertainment in the marina this afternoon with the local police, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission and finally the Coast Guard - all appeared on the boat across the way aft of us. There was wild speculation on what was going on. All we could see was much arm waving, boarding of the boat and tickets being handed out. I went for ice later and finally discovered that it was all about one person being drunk on the boat. The Harbormaster said that Key West is a small town and everyone seems to overreact. Nothing more came of it after the offending party was hauled off to sober up. Such excitement. 

On Saturday we plan on a day at a Civil War reenactment at Ft Zachary, great. 

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