Cruising Tips

Friday, January 30, 2015

Key West - We rent a car and provision

Sarah tried her hand at playing a steel drum - the notes were marked on the drum lid
Sarah's  Blog

Today I had Nana's famous scrambled egg and it was really good. Then I started reading some more of Charlotte Doyle it is going great already on page 45. Then I did some more work and we went to go do are big shopping trip. Nana has a list then Grandpa has a list too. I go with Nana and we got some shorts and one shirt. We also saw manatees today, Nana named it lucky because we saw scars on it and had a little split in the tail. It was a cute little guy too. Then we went to go on a car drive down Duval street with a bunch of stores. There are so many I can't count! Also so many people it was crazy. It was fun to here all the live music with different bands and music every where. There was also a place that it had a bunch of money on it and there was probably about 5,000 dollars in there. We also drove by the ocean which was so beautiful. We just had sushi that was so yummy and were having chicken tonight. Well bye going to look for lucky bye.

Key West is warming up with gentle breezes and temps in the 70's, not bad at all. I rented a car from Enterprise this morning and we went to nearest Publix to provision for the upcoming visits from up north. We saw this morning that the low for our home town, Lagrangeville, NY, was going to be -10 F on Tuesday!! Now that is getting cold. 

The Party Cat goes out several times a day, they seem to all have a good time
We took a drive around Key West sightseeing. One thing you notice right away is how well kept everything is. The buildings have all been freshly painted, nothing looks out of repair and this year there are crowds more so than in the last four years. Usually, I'm told by the locals, there's a lull after New Year's Day until March but this year it's been busy without a let up. Regardless, on the dock we have our own slip and we can chill out just watching the action in the harbor and still have our privacy. 

Barry Cuda is still holding forth at BO's Fishwagon on Fridays!
We walked around tonight and saw Barry Cuda in BO's Fishwagon as usual on a Friday night. The place was packed as it always is when he plays there. Schooner Wharf was hopping too. Even with all the events and crowds, it's quiet at night on the dock, no noise at all and calm, nice. 

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