Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Key West - Getting ready for visitors: laundry, boat cleaning, cable TV

All tucked in - very well protected from weather
Sarah's Blog

Today I started off with a walk with Nana and Hoolie. We saw all kinds of different shops that had pretty jewelry. Then we had breakfast and I started my home work I did it still lunch and then I wrote a little bit. I had a egg sandwich for lunch and then played on my tablet. I started Charlotte Doyle very interesting, it is a great boat story. Then we went on a walk and saw a lot of shops, Nana and I went window shopping and look at prices. It was fun to try on the silly sun glasses at one shop. I read about amber and I went into a store with amber and I got to touch it and saw insects on it too. I thought that was really cool! It was a jewelry store and there was a lot of it too. Were going to have tacos for dinner and there chicken too. I love tacos with chicken in it. I also practiced the piano today and I think am getting pretty good too. Also there is this boat called the Party Cat and has been there for a couple years and it plays music and is fun to see. Well bye going to look for the Party Cat bye. 

Hoolie and I took a walk down Duval St - Here we looked in at Sloppy Joe's, the joint was hopping
We have Carrie and Mike coming next week with their family followed by Philip and Monique and family so we have a full two weeks ahead. So to get ready we had laundry and boat work. Moving stuff out of the aft cabin (it seems to accumulate things) is a major effort which we'll tackle later but before everyone arrives. We now have cable for our stay in Key West, all the comforts of home except cold weather and snow! 

One of many Irish Bars along Duval St - all with live music
We are still amazed at the crowds in Key West. The marina is full, that's a first in the last five years. It's never been full before this time of the year. There's not an empty slip in sight, good thing we had reservations. On top of that, it's still rather cold for Key West but it's predicted to warm up next week to the high 70's, more normal for this time of year. I can't get my $10/day car rental weekend rate here, they don't honor that special so we'll rent a car for one day to get groceries and explore a bit. We're running low on a few key items like ice cream, etc. 

Sarah is still doing he school work and trying to get ahead so she'll have free time when her cousins are here from Pennsylvania. Ann and I are just enjoying the serenity, no moving for awhile. 

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