Cruising Tips

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

RE Mayo Seafood - at their docks

Our one time stop with the Zeisings is now a thing of the past after they sold their house on the ICW (the left one)
Time to head south again so we left around 8:30 for RE Mayo's docks. It was only 30 miles but we didn't feel like bucking the 10 to 15 kt head winds on the Neuse River so we ducked into RE Mayo.The great attraction of the place is not only the inexpensive rates ($0.40/ft!) but the selection of seafood in frozen blister packs. The best of all were the scallops which are caught locally and flash frozen on the boat. They are the large, diver scallops and they brown nicely when in a pan and just taste wonderful. We had Seared Scallops with Herb -Butter Pan Sauce tonight with rice and snow peas. I do like Ann's cooking.

You can see the home built nature of the docks, sturdy but not what you would see at a typical marina
The docks at RE Mayo are substantial since they do moor large shrimp boats here but they don't look like marina docks. The boards are spaced so you can easily see through them to the bottom and there might be a few missing here and there. The electric service is spotty. They provide 120v at no charge but is there's more than two boats, the line voltage may drop to 95 volts! However, there's no charge for electric hook up either so who's complaining.

Having stocked up on shrimp (caught locally), scallops (ditto) and flounder (ditto), we are now provisioned for quite a ways south. We will leave Thursday for Cedar Creek on a rather short leg and then on to Swan Point Marina the next day. 

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