Cruising Tips

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cedar Creek off Adams Creek - at anchor

Typical of the homes around here, a house, a boat and a shed for stuff
With winds predicted out of the north we expected a smooth ride down the Neuse - and that we got! If we had chosen to reach Cedar Creek yesterday, we would have faced 10 to 15 on the nose, probably more since the wind is always more than predicted when in the middle of the Neuse. Well, we're in no hurry and we'd rather have a smooth ride than saving a day of motoring. Besides, with the wind behind us we even got some sailing in (as in, no motor!) That's a rarity on the ICW where you're usually trying to make time to a scheduled marina or anchorage.

Tonight we're in Cedar Creek with only three other boats and there could be at least 100 boats here without being crowded. It's a huge, protected anchorage and impossible to drag. It's as still as a lake tonight and the anchorage even has a convenient Hoolie relief at a nearby, sandy beach.

We enjoy the sunsets!
We'll have a quiet night, we expect, and then we'll have 52 miles to travel on Friday to reach Swan Point Marina. We would have anchored at Mile Hammock Bay but that's in Camp Legume and there's no shore access for Hoolie. Hopefully we'll get off by 7:30, a long day. 

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