Cruising Tips

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Charleston Maritime Center - last day

These modern ships are so ugly! He blew his horn 5 times to warn a sailboat right in front of him!
Well we did some really exciting things today, like sleeping in, doing laundry, doing the NYT crossword, etc. If you're really into the cruising lifestyle, it's a typical day. The weather changed to the cooler side with a high of only 73 today, good thing we're headed south on Monday.

I spent most of the morning preparing for the shallow water south of here. We can get through most of it even at low tide but not the Ashepoo River where 3.5 ft has been reported at low tide. So with that we'll stop off at B & B Seafood just before the Ashepoo River. They have a flat rate of $25 for any size boat but it's really not a marina. They only have room for at most 2 boats and it's really an unused shrimp boat dock. We'll have to dock at the far end to make room for the shrimp boats that come in a night. The place is closed Mondays so I told the girl that answered the phone today that I'd put the dock fee into an envelope under the door, she was fine with that. We've been there before so we know where to dock.

A view from our marina at night, goodbye Charleston
We'll leave Monday at 8:00 am so we can make the 9:00 opening at the Wappoo Creek bridge. Then it's a race against a falling tide to make the shallow spots before low tide. Should be fun...

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