Cruising Tips

Monday, October 20, 2014

B & B Seafood -at their dock

B & B Seafood - out in the boonies of South Carolina
It was another perfect day for traveling the ICW. This year has been the best year ever for good weather aided by the almost total lack of hurricanes. Perhaps our luck won't last but I'll take it so far.

The source of the shrimp - fresh!
So with a high of 73 today and light winds, we headed south and traversed some of the shallowest spots on the ICW. In fact, all the worst spots are getting shallower but they are still (for now) passable at high tide. We came through Watt's Cut and saw 5 ft depths even with a 1 ft tide but we shimmied through.  However, Ashepoo Creek was another story. There are reported depths there of only 3.5 ft at low tide so we had no chance of getting through much above low tide. With that we decided to take a dock at B & B's Seafood. They have a dock (?) with no electricity and with rather rickety looking cleats but at only $25/night regardless of boat size, it's a bargain. It's a convenient place to take Hoolie ashore safely in alligator country so it's worth the price to us.

We are the only transient boat tonight
They have boats here that go after their own shrimp. It's the definition of fresh (right off the boat) but unfortunately, they are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays so we'll do without this trip.

On Tuesday we take advantage of the high tides in the morning to get through Ashepoo Creek and on to Savannah, our next stop at Thunderbird Marina. 

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